Berkey GOBK-KIT Review

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Berkey Systems are the World's Most Powerful and Cost Effective Personal Water purification Systems Providing Reliable and User-friendly Water Purification in Both Normal and Hostile Filtration Environments. Moreover, Berkey systems are capable of purifying both treated water and untreated raw water from such sources as remote lakes, streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries, where regulations may be substandard at best. So powerful, this system is able to remove red food coloring from water without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs. Perfect for everyday use and a must in hostile environments where electricity, water pressure or treated water may not be available. This powerful system purifies both treated water and untreated raw water from such sources as remote lakes, streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries, where regulations may be substandard at best. Perfect for outdoor activities and a must in hostile environments where...

Read more about Berkey GOBK-KIT on the main market. Please click button bellow to visit Berkey GOBK-KIT market.

Berkey GOBK-KIT Features

  • One Black Berkey element will purify up to 1 gallon per hour
  • Sport Berkey water filter bottle
  • 1 quart holding capacity
  • PLEASE NOTE: The Berkey PF-2 post reduction filter elements will not fit the Go Berkey system

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