Menu 4682059 Review

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Menu 4682059

Menu 4682059

"If a sabre's too much, you're too young" One piece of polished, stainless steel flamboyance. Made by an equally flamboyant designer, the Champagne Sabre by Karim Rashid is sure to impress at dinner parties. Here's hoping for delightfully extravagant champagne experiences! Designer: Karim Rashid Material: Stainless Steel.

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Menu 4682059 Features

  • Ceremonial technique for opening a Champagne bottle with a sabre, breaking the entire neck away, leaving only the base of the bottle ready to pour
  • One piece of polished, stainless steel flamboyance, made by an equally flamboyant designer
  • Sure to impress at dinner parties
  • Made popular by Napoleon's cavalry; "Champagne! In victory one deserves it; in defeat one needs it"
  • Designed by Karim Rashid

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