The 3" wide feed chute is almost five times wider than the leading competitor's Faster and easier - Feed whole fruits or vegetables to the chute without cutting! Fresher taste with more nutrients - Preserves the taste and flavor Low-speed masticating technology (J.M.C.S) patented in 50 countries Kuvings' unique technology, J.M.C.S., produces a 100% natural undiluted juice by gently pressing the fruit with a slow-rotating screw in the strainer instead of grinding it with a fast-rotating blade, minimizing the nutrient loss. Stronger ULTEM screw Twice as long, the ULTEM screw easily cuts whole fruits and vegetables while juicing, minimizing oxidation and nutrient loss from precutting ingredients. The specially designed screw's compression blade masticates ingredients with force at optimal angles. 50-60 RPM - The secret to the best juicing The upgraded motor rotates at 50-60rpm - the golden ratio of force and time. 240W heavy-duty motor designed, developed, and made by Kuvings A Ku...
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Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer Silver
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